Our Cemetery
The Old Argo Cemetery, which sets next to the church, is a separate entity and is managed by a group of three trustees.
On November 16, 1908, one-half acre of land was purchased from William and Rose Schwidde Cunio for a price of $25.00. Several families took turns mowing the cemetery during growing season to keep it trimmed up. In November 1961, Rosa Schwidde Cunio started collecting money at the rate of $50.00 per grave, from the families of people that were buried there and also people who wanted to be buried there. This was the beginning of perpetual care for the cemetery and on March 2, 1962, a “Maintenance Trust Agreement” was made and signed by the trustees of August Ruwwe, George Garner, and Rosa Schwidde Cunio.
On November 8, 1974, the Cunio daughters, Mabel Cunio Luecke and Irene Cunio Skornia donated one-half acre of land to bring the cemetery ground to one acre.
In 1992, a monument was bought by the Turner family in memory of Robert Turner. The monument was placed in between the cemetery land and church land. It reads – “Old Argo Church – established in 1885,” which was the date the church building was dedicated. It also has “Old Argo Cemetery – established in 1907,” which is the date on the oldest tombstone. Besides the original trustees, Herbert Ruwwe and Mabel Cunio Luecke served many years on the board. The trustees at this time are Ervin Dierking, Bill Turner, and Ila Faye Stumpe.