Our church holds an annual fall festival where the congregation an many other community members jump in to make apple butter. 7 kettles can be found bubbling applesauce (that was made 2 days prior) as church members stir and stir. This apple butter is then canned and sold during the fall festival where whole hot sausage, saurkraut, home made mashed potatoes, gravy, beans and rolls can be enjoyed. All topped off with home meade desserts.
Christmas season can find the youngsters working hard on their annual Christmas pageant. This annual sharing of the season is enjoyed by many communtiy members, once again topped off by a dinner served by the congregation.
Every Easter brings the Easter Eggstraveganza. A one evening where kids from the congregation and community come to learn about Jesus and all he has sacraficed for us. The kids always have fun and leave with lots of crafts.
Vacation Bible School is held when the kids get out of school. 4 nights of learning and excitement culminate into a presentation for the parents.